Our September Holiday Contest, the contest of choosing lesser known and often uncelebrated holidays and honouring them with beautiful plush work, has come to a close with four magnificent entries surviving the submission process. Where others were turned away for not complying with the rules or because people simply didn't pay close enough attention to the folder they were submitting into, these four passed every toll booth and road block. Without further ado...
Needle Felted Elephant in Blue by feltieflaffy
"I chose elephant appreciation day for a few reasons. I personally love elephants, but they have had a sad past in circus history. Though elephants were one of the most beloved part of the circus, they were often horribly mistreated, malnourished, and if they became too old or lame to perform the incredibly difficult tricks they were tasked with on a daily basis, they were killed. Elephants are majestic, incredible animals and I wanted to celebrate their holiday with this piece."
September Rose Contest Entry by onetruetree (her etsy listing is here!)
"September Rose was named for the month she was born in and her mother's favorite flower. September is a girl in love with girliness, the ultimate symbols of which she believes to be roses and rabbits. She spends long hours in her mother's rose garden with her toy rabbit embroidering floral motifs or writing poems about the changing seasons while sipping tea.
Created this doll to participate in simply-plush's September contest! I just found the Festival of Roses prompt really inspiring and I wanted to create something that I thought "felt like" September (with a rose theme), and this is what I came up with. I feel like she embodies the last few weeks of summer/the first few weeks of fall pretty well, as well as the sweetness and delicacy of roses."
Roselia Plush by Plush-Lore
"i did mine on Festival of Roses. the reason i chose this holiday is because i am a fan of gardens flowers and plants in general! for this contest i chose to make the rose pokemon Roselia. i enjoyed making this one it looks so peaceful and happy XD i hope you all enjoy too! i know i did not get this out in time for the Festival of Roses but i hope you all enjoyed!"
Elephant and Ladybird by StrandedAutumn
"Elephant & Ladybird I made to celebrate Elephant Appreciation Day. Who doesn't love elephants, they live in family groups and look after each other"
To vote - check out the poll in the sidebar using this blog post as a reference. Easy as pumpkin pie! Voting will end on November 6th. There will only be one winner! To vote - check out the poll in the sidebar using this blog post as a reference. Easy as pumpkin pie! Voting will end on November 6th. There will only be one winner!
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