Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Etsy Shop Spotlight

Today I decided to show off a store one of you amazing artists have set up here. Choosing was easy - I counted up each shop listed here (if your shop isn't listed but you would like it to be, drop me a line at, as a comment here, or as a note on deviantArt) and then used a random number generator.

Today's number was 4 which means I'm reviewing a really great one today - check it out under the jump!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cute Dolls Review

I decided to kick off doing reviews with a classic plush book, Cute Dolls by Aronzi Aronzo. It was one of my first purchases so it makes sense for it to be a part of my book review vanguard.

Friday, August 3, 2012

New Stuff!

We have lots of new things on the blog that you should check out!

We have a new poll regarding features right at the top of the sidebar - it looks like this:

And there are two weeks to cast your vote!

I also shifted the shops page from the group page to this page right here

And finally, a bit of news. If you want to have a contest next month, let me know! And drop your topic in the suggestions box over in the forums!

If you don't know where to go...
