Saturday, July 21, 2012

Possible Future Reviews?

Curious about all those new plush related books popping up all over the place? Ever consider buying one but back out of it because you really don't know what the projects are like?

Online reviews can help - more specifically, mine!

Below are all of the books I own about plushies which I could possible review or do projects from for you guys, so let me know what you want to see either here in the comments or in the forums (which I would prefer):


  1. I tried voting in the poll you have up but I don't know if it's going through or not. It doesn't give me a notification that it has gone through after voting. So I'll just leave a comment here just to make sure.

    I would love it if you reviewed books such as these, because as you've said they're popping out everywhere. Personally I love buying these kinds of books, but only if they will teach me some neat things. So it'd be cool to see someone's review of it before I think of checking it out and maybe buying it. :3

    1. Thanks for letting me know! I put the poll on the sidebar now - so much more convenient. And... unbroken too.

      And thanks for the fantastic comment. I hope I can offer some great reviews for you guys :)
